First books for baby
Jul 28, 2021
First books for baby
Hi all,
Parents often ask about when they can start reading to baby. The truth is, in the beginning, your baby won’t have too much interest in books beyond using them as a chew-toy or throwing them out of the stroller.
However, you can still read to your baby! They will love the sound of your voice and the rhythm of baby books. When I talk about bedtime routine, I often mention “Bath, Bottle/Breast, Books, Bed.”
Here are some books that we introduced early on:
Black & White by Tana Hoban
Before they can see colors, baby respond to the strong contrast between black and white. There’s a whole genre of these black & white books for newborns. They’re meant to be good for developing eyesight as well. My kids liked them ok, but other parents say that their babies gaze in wonder at the images. So cute.
Global Babies by The Global Fund for Children
Babies love looking at pictures of other babies! It’s the sweetest thing. This is a board book full of pictures of babies from around the world. Let your baby smile and point and drool all over his new friends.
Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers
Some books are just as soothing and wonderful for the parent as they are for the baby. I’ve probably gifted this book at least 10 times through the years. I just love it. It’s all about celebrating the milestones of babies first year and the diversity of experiences babies have while figuring out this crazy world. It’s a great bedtime book because it’s so rhythmic and sweet. After a day of changing diapers and getting spit-up on your shift, it will make you, the parent, feel calm and cozy too. And again – lot of cute pics of babies for your little one to enjoy.
Two more favorites! Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes (Mem Fox) and Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You (Nancy Tillman).
In addition to these favorites, try out some cloth books or those wipeable plastic books. You can try handing your baby their own book to interact with while you read an actual book out loud to them, that way they won’t be trying to grab from you.
Happy reading,
Cozy Little Sleeper, a 3-week course for newborns age 0 to 4 months
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